Monday, August 2, 2010

Goat Style!


Jarrett Moore, Wink Grant, Mike Zinger and myself headed out on the thursday before Goat Style Bike Jam. We drove straight there, got our hotel went up and checked the course out it looked really sick everything was in pretty good condition considering how hot it was everyday. We got riding on friday afternoon to get some practice,


before friday night Lights. Each one of us riders tried to put the best line together for qualifying i almost got mine but over rotated a 360 on the second run off of the whale tail and lost most of my speed for the first double, i was kinda choked but i had a lot of fun. check out some sick photos from Mike Zinger and Jason Headly below more riding photos coming soon...


Heading home pit stop before we cruised through Osoyoos epic lifestyle shot by Mike Zinger

More to come soon!

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