Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Again

We got back to Vancouver at 12noon on Friday it took us roughly 17 hours to drive home from Aptos in Jordies truck, including all food and bathroom breaks. Friday night I got to sleep early beacause i was drained from the drive home, and sadly underage for Gully's amazing birthday party. On saturday we hung out at Eric Lawrenuks house did Laundry and quickly went to Sombrio to grab some kits for a lifestyles shoot we did for their new website on Sunday after the shoot was over we grabbed lunch. Then after lunch I put my all my crap in Eric's truck and he dropped me off at the 5pm ferry. I got home around 8pm and was glad to see family and my dog i missed her the most. Check out three sick photos below shot by Harookz at Heath Pinters Trails

Tailwhip Step up

Table Hip

360 step up

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